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Gow School, The
2491 Emery Road    
South Wales, New York  14139  
Private/Independent School
6 130 students


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Employer Description

The Gow School, located in South Wales, NY, just 30 minutes south of Buffalo, specializes in teaching students grades 6 - Post Graduate with Dyslexia and other language-based learning differences.

As a boarding and day school, we offer an enriching college preparatory curriculum anchored in Gow's renown Reconstructive Language (RL) program, created by school founder Peter Gow, Jr and pioneering neurologist Dr. Samuel T. Orton.

Gow’s highly trained and dedicated faculty provide students with the personalized instruction they need to build confidence to succeed. With small classes and a low 4:1 student-to-faulty ratio, students discover a love of learning and are able to unlock their potential.


Executive Function Coaching (EFC) offers students the opportunity to work one-on-one with a coach to improve their organizational and time management skills. While not every student requires this help, it is available to support those who do.

Beyond the classroom, Gow is about community.  Dedicated time for the arts, athletics, and free time is built into students' daily schedules. Walking across campus, students enjoy pickup basketball games, talks by the firepit, off-campus activities, and creek-side adventures.

Diversity Mission Statement

Statement of Unity and Belonging

The Gow School's distinct culture of success and belonging stands upon our pillars of kindness, respect, honesty, and hard work. These serve as our compass points in all programs and policies. This school-wide philosophy supports important ideologies around diversity, equity, and inclusion.  Gow United is a phrase often used with a school-wide common denominator of learning differences, dyslexia, reading disorders, learning disabilities, and attentional impairments.  Students, teachers, parents, alumni, and members of the Board of Trustees are all vested stakeholders of The Gow School Mission. Gow enrolls students from all over the United States and the world. In order to receive admission, they must have a diagnosis of some type of learning difficulty. To new students we often say "We are your people" upon their enrollment. They instinctively understand that sense of belonging. Before Gow, many students experienced firsthand rejection, a sense of not belonging, and educational discrimination. The Gow experience becomes their fresh start.

Multi-cultural celebrations are part of what we do at Gow.  Students of both genders with different religions, languages, races, and a host of other characteristics come together as one at The Gow School. They are all seeking unity within our distinct culture of success and belonging. Celebrating and learning about these multi-cultural differences, The Gow School embraces a never-ending effort approach to grow and gain deeper understandings around diversity.  At the same time, we remind ourselves The Gow School is not all things to all people, but rather a specialty school for students with diagnosed learning differences. We enforce social and emotional boundaries to promote wellness for all our students, employees, and their families. Because so many of our students and their families have firsthand experience in educational discrimination, our community is keenly aware of the importance of celebrating and honoring students and families of all backgrounds.